Planned Giving

Request Information

Are you looking for an attorney to assist you in either implementing your gift (estate) plan or updating your gift (estate) plan? We have developed an initial list of attorneys that contributors have referred to us as options to consider. These attorneys are regionally located around the country with our intent to add more names in the future. Please know that we do not formally recommend any one of these professionals nor are we compensated in any manner for including a person on this list. These names were given to us by satisfied contributors. It is always good for one to perform due diligence when searching for an attorney. Fees, local rating services, initial personal interactions and recommendations from respected people are factors to consider.

Should you desire to receive this list of attorneys, please enter your name and email address.

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Thank You

Thank you for your interest in supporting The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.

One of our gift planning representatives will contact you to discuss your charitable plans.


The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Mission Advancement utilizes the services of the LCMS Foundation as our partner for gift planning legal support and trust management.