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Peace of Mind through Estate Planning

Peace of Mind through Estate Planning

"I just want people to know Jesus."

In the mid-1990s, Everett and Elvina Miller were assisted by Mike Fischer, then a gift planning counselor with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) Foundation, in setting up their first Christian estate plan. At that time, Everett was very involved in real estate investments — particularly apartment complexes. Everett frequently told Mike that "you can't go wrong with real estate. God is not making any more earth."

A couple of decades later, with the passing of Everett, Elvina was finding it difficult to manage their estate. She had some assistance from dear friends, but she still found it daunting. Additionally, she started to experience some health challenges. That's when, according to Elvina, a timely phone call came out of the blue and Mike paid her a visit at the end of 2019.

After many visits and much time spent doing research and connecting with various advisors, Elvina was able to have her estate issues resolved and contingency plans put into place. As a faithful financial supporter to many LCMS ministries, Elvina had a thorough estate plan that took care of her and provided wonderful resources to the church-at-large. Elvina recently went to her Lord confident that all was in order with trusted advisors. One component of her estate plan is an endowment with the LCMS, which will provide income for National Mission.

With the confidence she had been given, Elvina knew that she no longer needed to worry about managing her affairs and that God's blessings will be of great benefit to the church. Elvina was active in her daily devotions, worked weekly at a Braille center and faithfully attended her church on Sundays with her caregiver, who enjoyed worshiping with Elvina. God called Elvina home to heaven this past July. She went to Jesus assured of her eternal life and that the earthly blessings left behind would be used to further the effort to have people know Jesus.

"I just want people to know Jesus," – Elvina Miller

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The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Mission Advancement utilizes the services of the LCMS Foundation as our partner for gift planning legal support and trust management.